Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day '14

So today we woke up bright and early to run the Bolder Boulder!! The Bolder Boulder is a 10k (5.2 miles) in beautiful Boulder, CO. The course winds through neighborhoods and the main streets in Boulder. I grew up running this race every Memorial Day with my family and it has become a fun tradition. The race was much smaller back when I was a child, and has grown to 62,000 people this year. Crazy! The race is just so much fun because people dress up in silly costumes, thousands of people cheer you on along the sidelines, bands play music along the race, there are belly dancers, people put out sprinklers in their yard, which is so refreshing when it's hot, and most of all it is such a feeling of accomplishment when you cross the finish line. The race ends in the CU stadium which is an amazing feeling as you enter the stadium filled with thousands of people in the stands and you just automatically start sprinting all the way around to the finish line.

Here is the view from inside the stadium. Lots and lots of people!!

Whew! We did it. My mom and daughter were waiting at the finish line cheering us on.

The cousins. I recruited the whole family for this event. The more the merrier.

He claims to not like running anymore, but I think he really does. hehe

After the race, they hold Memorial Day festivities honoring our veterans and those in the armed services. First they have parachuters who jump out of a plane and land in the stadium, each carrying a flag representing each branch of the military. The final parachuter carries the American flag and it truly is a humble moment to see the crowd grow quiet and show their respect for our country.

And then they finish the celebration with a 12 plane fly over which is pretty cool to watch. 

All in all it was a great Memorial Day, great weather, great time with family, and I always enjoy these memories we get to create together. Thank you to everyone in our military and to everyone who has served our country, I am eternally grateful. 

Happy Memorial Day!

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