Monday, July 14, 2014

The Metabolism Miracle

I recently discovered the book The Metabolism Miracle by Dianne Kress, a NY Times Bestseller. A girl from Weilos recommended the book stating this diet was how she lost the weight. My initial thought was "Oh here's yet another diet plan... blah.. blah.. blah....". Yet I decided to look up the book on Amazon and see what it was all about. After reading the excerpt, I was hooked.

She proposed that 55% of the population has a regular metabolism type (A). A's don't struggle with losing weight, cutting calories and dieting works pretty well for them, and maybe they're just naturally skinny (you know, "those" people). Then the other 45% of the population has a different metabolism type (which she names Metabolism B). These people suffer from irregular insulin levels, meaning their body releases too much insulin and glucose when eating carbs. Therefore, losing weight for people with Met. B isn't about counting calories or working out even harder, it's about limiting your carb intake in order to balance out your insulin levels. A lot of scientific jargon there, sorry about that.


The main point that caught my eye was this checklist on her website:

____ You tire easily and frequently feel fatigued, even upon awaking.
____ You feel mildly depressed.
____ You feel an energy slump in the late afternoon.
____ You frequently feel anxious.
____ You crave carbohydrate foods, such as bread, chips, sweets, or pasta.
____ Your midsection has a roll of fat, love-handles, muffin top, or back fat.
____ You gain weight easily and find it difficult to lose weight.
____ You have racing thoughts.
____ Your sexual drive has declined or vanished.
____ You find it difficult to focus and concentrate and are easily distracted.
____ You are irritable and have a "short fuse".
____ You feel slightly dizzy, flushed, or "weak in the knees" after even a little bit of alcohol.

Recently I have suffered from several of those factors increasingly and I would never have connected the combination of them to my metabolism type. This is what intrigued me to purchase her book.

I must say, her book is easy to follow and has some good information. Now will be the true test to see how the Metabolism Miracle Diet works for me. Maybe this is the reason that cutting calories and working out hard hasn't been working for me (even though you'd think it would). I am going to document my progress, successes, and failures throughout her 3 step process. Well, I am hoping for the best!

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