Tuesday, August 19, 2014

G at Preschool!

Today is G's first day of preschool. Wow, what happened to the time? She was pretty excited, but very shy. 

Here is her Daddy walking her to school. Melt my heart! 

And her Dora backpack. Her choice. 

My note to you: 

G, you are such a joy in our lives. I cannot believe that you are starting school. You were just my little baby it seems like yesterday. You don't like being called my baby because you think you're so big. You will be such a good student and make us proud. You are very shy and hesitant and my wish for you is that you will come out of your turtle shell to see the world. Your dad and I were very shy when we were kids too, so it came as no surprise. You just have to learn to push through it. 

You are very creative, a perfectionist, stubborn, loving, and quite funny. You say the funniest things sometimes. You love Dora, Peg and Cat, coloring, making crafts, hanging out with Charley and Aubrey, and joking with Uncle Aaron. You are pretty bossy too, (like your mom), and you try to boss Nalah around. You will be sort of young for your grade which I think is an advantage, being as girls mature faster than boys. I think you will enjoy being in school with kids who are slightly older than you. I was always old for my grade and didn't care for it much. I was taller than everybody else and when I got to high school, all my friends were in higher grades than me because I didn't hang out with anybody who was in the same grade as me. 

We are so excited to start this journey with you as you go through the next 15 years of school. I pray that you will always be a leader in school, setting a good example. I pray for your safety as we live in a fallen world. I pray for good friendships as peers will be a huge influence in your life. I pray for great teachers as a teacher can make or break a class.  

We will always love you Bubba.

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