Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Brother's Return '14

My little brother, Aaron, is in the Air Force and has been deployed for the last 5 months. His unit returned today, a little earlier than expected, and we were excited to greet him at the airport. My mom and I made a great big banner last night (so we could be those people). Anyways, my uncle Jim and cousin Michael drove down for the occasion and we were all excited to see him for the first time in months.
I am always impressed with the military and the level of respect and discipline they always uphold. All the soldiers from his unit who did not deploy were at the airport lined up waiting to greet the deployed soldiers.

Here we all are waiting for him to get off the plane. Actually, there was so much going on, he never really saw our banner with all the people and clapping and film crews. He almost walked right past us, haha. 

Aaron and mom.


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