Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day '14

Mother's Day has always been a special day to honor the important women in my life. However, it is extra special now as I have become a mother as well. I am truly blessed to be the mother of my beautiful 2 year old daughter.

Today we started off by heading to church with my mother. The message was wonderful. The Pastor spoke about honoring grandmother's, mother's, and women in general. Christianity is one of the few religions that actually honor women. The Bible speaks highly of strong women such as Esther and Mary. When Jesus was on earth, he especially cared for the women and children. In Genesis, God created woman out of the rib from the side of man. He intended man and woman to stand beside each other as equals. He also read a beautiful poem:

All true trophies of the ages
Are from mother-love imperiled,
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world

I just love those last 2 lines. Anyways, after church we went to Jesse's work for the first time to check it out. It is such a cute little restaurant/market. The decor was fantastic and everyone was very friendly. 

And Jesse surprised my mother with beautiful flowers that he got from their market.

And then he surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries sprinkled with gold dust! Wow!

After lunch we had to relax on the couch, of course. And then we all went bowling! It was actually G's first time bowling. We had the bumpers and the kids ramp and everything and she absolutely loved it! She kept saying "I like this game." It took a little practice teaching her about waiting for her turn, but she caught on. Patience is a virtue, and my husband is way better at it than me. 

So heavy! But she insisted she "do it herself", the famous quote this month. 

Looks pretty straight on.......

Uncle Aaron faking high fives with her. :-)

It was a great Mother's Day and I look forward to many more to come. Thanks family!

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