Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Raising a Princess

Another great book you HAVE to check out is Raising a Princess, Eight Essential Virtues to Teach Your Daughter by John Croyle. This is such a great book for anyone who has a daughter! The author goes through the letters in the word princess and talks about 8 topics that are crucial to consider while your daughter is growing up.

P- Praiseworthiness
R- Righteousness
I- Initiative
N- Nurture
C- Character
E- Empowerment
S- Servant-Heartedness
S- Stability

Throughout the whole book the author references the woman in Proverbs 31 and offers wisdom on how to raise your daughter to be like that woman from the Bible.

Croyle is the founder of Big Oak Ranch which is a Christian-based facility for abused and neglected children. For over 25 years, Croyle and his wife have provided a safe haven for these children to live until they turn 18. Through his experiences at Big Oak, he has raised over 1,800 children and has written this book to share his wisdom.

I highly, highly recommend this book! I underlined as I read through it so I could reference my highlights in the future. Let me know what you think!

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